YOLO Calculator

Version 0.1


Energy mix



Data Consumption
Energy Consumption
CO₂Eq Impact
Weighted CO₂Eq Impact*


Data Consumption
Energy Consumption
CO₂Eq Impact
Weighted CO₂Eq Impact*

Everyone (almost) knows climate change is here. Yet we are still wasting too many ressources and polluting our planet too much. It´s our lifestyle.

Precisely assessing a person´s total emissions can be quite complex. Sometimes even the small things add up to a lot. But how much exactly? For now we focus on just one seemingly small thing: TikTok, which is very popular with the younger folks.


TikTok While usage patterns may vary, research has concluded that it is best to measure average impact on a time-based basis. Depending on the scope of an evaluation, data center energy use is also a point of consideration as is the full lifecycle of a device (around 80% of the lifecycle carbon emissions of a mobile device are in the production phase). Our calculations are based on data provided by greenspector and they measured them on a Samsung S7 smartphone (Android 8). We also use data provided by Our World in Data to factor in the actual average energy mix of the selected country.

*Even though the actual CO₂Eq impact of renewables may not be zero, we assume this for now to reduce complexity.


The internet accounts for about 4% of global emissions (CO₂Eq), while the airline industry´s share is about 3%. We address that with a carbon negative approach. Read about it here.