Climate Links:
We still use appliances like it’s 1970. There’s a better way.
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Today, Whirlpool’s most efficient top-loader is 50 percent more energy efficient than those earlier models. “Manufacturers say we can’t meet these efficiency levels. It’s impossible,” says deLaski. “But those products are on the market today.”
Is the climate cost of digital billboards too high to justify?
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Hit the Snooze Button if You Want to Save the Planet
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Seriously—science shows that fewer hours spent working and more hours spent resting could be one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint.
Switzerland Is Paying Poorer Nations to Cut Emissions on Its Behalf
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The agreements raise concerns that other countries will follow suit, delaying more difficult cuts of greenhouse gas emissions in wealthier nations.
Footprint Calculator
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How many planets do we need if everybody lives like you? When is your personal Overshoot Day?
The Hague verdict and the consequences
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Europe's biggest oil company must drastically reduce its CO2 emissions following a ruling by a Dutch court. Experts are convinced that the ruling will have far-reaching consequences - and not just for the energy sector. An overview.
U.N. Mission Joins Growing Calls to Label Great Barrier Reef ‘In Danger’
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The report’s authors said current conservation efforts were not enough to address the “ongoing and increasingly serious challenge” presented by climate change.
ecolibri - der nachhaltige Online-Buchhandel.
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A space tech company stumbled on a new way to cut emissions on Earth
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Steel factories emit around 3 billion tons of CO2 a year. A new way of producing it eliminates direct CO2 emissions and cuts energy use in half.
Reforestation alone not a solution
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Reforestation makes sense regionally, but it cannot begin to replace conventional climate protection. This is the conclusion of an Israeli research team.
Fuel efficiency: Why airlines need to switch to more ambitious measures
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The airline industry has dramatically improved its fuel efficiency over the past 15 years. Future gains will be harder to achieve.
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This is a solar-powered website, which means it sometimes goes offline
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With Leaps and Bounds, Parkour Athletes Turn Off the Lights in Paris
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As an energy crisis looms, nimble young activists are using superhero-like moves to switch off wasteful lights that stores leave on all night.
Deforestation Declining, but Too Slow to Meet Climate Goals
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The Compost by My Couch: How (and Why) I Started an Odorless Bin at Home
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New York City has suspended its composting program because of the coronavirus. Here’s an alternative that’s easy, clean and good for the climate.
Will We Ever Be Able to Recycle Our Clothes Like an Aluminum Can?
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A new factory operated by Renewcell, a textile recycling company in Sweden, is the first step in turning old clothes into new, high-quality fashion.
edie – empowering sustainable business
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edie is the industry-leading, purpose-driven business media brand which empowers sustainability, energy and environmental professionals of all levels to make business more sustainable through award-winning* content and events.
Global Footprint Scenario Tool
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Use our global Footprint scenario tool to design possible futures by choosing key parameters that shape overshoot.
The internet consumes extraordinary amounts of energy. Here’s how we can make it more sustainable
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Inside the Global Effort to Keep Perfectly Good Food Out of the Dump
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Around the world, lawmakers and entrepreneurs are taking steps to tackle two of humanity’s most pressing problems: hunger and climate change.
The Cooling Problem
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Air-conditioners reduce heat stress but also guzzle energy. We’ll explain how it’s possible to keep people cool, including those most at risk, without cooking the planet.
UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2021
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The fact that substantial amounts of food are produced but not eaten by humans has substantial negative impacts: environmentally, socially and economically. Estimates suggest that 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with food that is not consumed.
We Analyzed the Emissions 4 Families Generated in a Week. Here's What We Learned About Living Greener
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Energy crisis: German cities turn out the lights
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California Leaders Credit Cellphone Alert for Sudden Conservation
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Are There Better Places to Put Large Solar Farms Than These Forests?
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Carbon Co-op
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Carbon Co-op is an energy services and advocacy co-operative that helps people and communities to make the radical reductions in home carbon emissions necessary to avoid runaway climate change.
How to Start Composting
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“How do I compost?” might sound like a simple question, but the answers can branch out and multiply like the running roots of a plant. To help break it all down for those just starting out, we spoke with five experts about how to start composting—no matter where you live.
How much electricity billboards devour
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Germans are supposed to save energy. At the same time, deserted pedestrian zones are brightly lit at night, also by LED displays. There is growing resistance to this.
320 Grad
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Germany's online magazine for the Circular Economy