Climate Links:
climate change
One of the most crucial challenges of our time is climate change, thus it's critical to have access to accurate and trustworthy information. We have a carefully curated collection of information and links to numerous sources because of this, including articles from reliable news sources, reports from international organizations, and scientific studies. So you will be able to have a more thorough grasp of climate change by being presented with a broad perspective. The links cover a variety of subjects, such as the science behind climate change, its effects on various areas and industries, and the steps that can be taken to prevent it. You will always have access to current information and analysis thanks to our frequent updates.
Our Response to Climate Change Is Missing Something Big, Scientists Say
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Yes, planting new trees can help. But intact wild areas are much better. The world needs to treat warming and biodiversity loss as two parts of the same problem, a new report warns.
Draft Report Offers Starkest View Yet of U.S. Climate Threats
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“The things Americans value most are at risk,” says a draft of the National Climate Assessment, a major federal scientific report slated for release next year.
Climate Change Made Summer Hotter and Drier Worldwide, Study Finds
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ArcticRisk Name Generator
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Rapid Arctic warming has global impacts. If you become an Arctic name changer, it can be a real game changer.
An Idiot's Guide to Climate Change
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A Core Question at COP27: Who Will Pay for Climate Change?
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Federal Government’s $20 Billion Embrace of ‘Climate Smart’ Farming
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The techniques are a cornerstone of the Agriculture Department’s approach to addressing a warming planet, but it is unclear whether more widespread deployment of such methods can truly reverse the effects of climate change.
FH;P Climate show
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The Climate Show presented the results of the Climate Semester - Utopias for the Present in the form of a digital exhibition and as an online event on 17.07.2020. Together at the FH Potsdam, in the summer semester 2020, the climate semester, the challenges of the climate crisis were put into perspective and transdisciplinary approaches and viable options for action for the here and now were developed.
Farming fog for water? Canary Islands tap a new reservoir.
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A lack of usable water is becoming a problem in areas where it wasn’t before, due to climate change. But in the Canary Islands, locals are finding that fog can make up for shortfalls on farms.
The Climate Impact of Your Neighborhood, Mapped
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New data shared with The New York Times reveals stark disparities in how different U.S. households contribute to climate change. Looking at America’s cities, a pattern emerges.
You May Miss These Parasites When They’re Gone
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Warming temperatures in one part of the world seem to have driven down the parasite population, suggesting another unexpected way that climate change harms ecosystems.
How people access and think about climate change news
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In the climate crisis, vulnerable countries bear the least responsibility
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Biden Warns That Climate Change Could Upend Federal Spending Programs
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A chapter in the new Economic Report of the President focuses on the growing risks to people and businesses from rising temperatures, and the government’s role in adapting to them.
Global Registry of Fossil Fuel Emissions and Reserves
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Climate Change and Human Activity Erode Egypt’s Treasured Antiquities
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The effects of global warming on the country’s monuments are already striking. And the changing weather is only amplifying centuries of destructive human impact.
Denmark becomes first country to pledge ‘loss and damage’ finance
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Climate Change Is Speeding Toward Catastrophe. The Next Decade Is Crucial, U.N. Panel Says.
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A new report says it is still possible to hold global warming to relatively safe levels, but doing so will require global cooperation, billions of dollars and big changes.
The Single Best Guide to Decarbonization I’ve Heard
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The energy expert Jesse Jenkins walks me through the path to our climate goals.
Global ‘Stilling’: Is Climate Change Slowing Down the Wind?
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239 Agencies Landed on Clean Creatives' Second 'F-List' for Working With Fossil Fuel Clients
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The report, released in partnership with Comms Declare, charts 15 years of activists' efforts urging the industry to drop major polluters
The Side Eye: A climate change reality check
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Enough with the lifestyle tweaks and good intentions, or the ‘could be worse’ attitude. This is climate change, and we need serious action, now.
‘Top 1%’ of emitters caused almost a quarter of growth in global emissions since 1990
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The study, published in Nature Sustainability, highlights the inequality in peoples’ greenhouse gas footprints – a cornerstone of the climate justice movement.
A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View
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The surprising reasons parts of Earth are warming more slowly
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Postcards from a World on Fire
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How climate change is stressing health systems
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More heat deaths, new infectious diseases and food insecurity: Climate change is putting increasing pressure on our health systems. That's what a new study shows. But there are solutions.
The Arctic Is Becoming Wetter and Stormier, Scientists Warn
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In their annual assessment of the region and its climate, researchers highlighted new signs of a huge transformation underway.
We built a fake metropolis to show how extreme cold could wreck cities
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Nations Must Increase Funding to Cope With Climate Shocks, U.N. Warns
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Failing to help developing nations brace for disruption will lead to increased conflict and widespread suffering, the United Nations wrote in a new report.
Warming seas are carving into glacier that could trigger sea level rise
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New research provides a startling look at how warmer oceans, driven by climate change, are gouging the West Antarctic’s Thwaites Glacier
The World’s Peatlands Are Climate Bombs Waiting to Detonate
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Climate Change Is Launching a Mutant Seed Space Race
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Nuclear watchdog is exposing sorghum and cress to orbital radiation in experiment to trigger resistance against global warming.
Parts of Greenland now hotter than at any time in the past 1,000 years, scientists say
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New research in the northern part of Greenland finds temperatures are already 2.7 degrees warmer than they were in the 20th century
Why Ian May Push Florida Real Estate Out of Reach for All but the Super Rich
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The hurricane’s record-breaking cost will make it even harder for many to get insurance, experts say — threatening home sales, mortgages and construction.
Climate Change Contributed to Deadly West African Floods, Scientists Find
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Amid the ‘loss and damage’ debate at global climate talks, the study adds to evidence that less-developed countries suffer from warming that industrialized nations largely cause.
How Belize Cut Its Debt by Fighting Global Warming
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Developing nations are reducing their debt by pledging to protect their resources in financial deals that could give them a bigger role in the fight against climate change.
How Do We Know Climate Change Is Real?
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Attribution of 2020 hurricane season extreme rainfall to human-induced climate change
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China Is Burning More Coal, a Growing Climate Challenge
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The country’s emissions of greenhouse gases rose last year at the fastest pace in a decade. Beijing is looking for alternatives.
Pakistan: Flood Damages and Economic Losses Over USD 30 billion and Reconstruction Needs Over USD 16 billion - New Assessment
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Post-Disaster Needs Assessment calls for urgent support to implement a Recovery and Reconstruction that ‘Builds Back Better’
U.N. Mission Joins Growing Calls to Label Great Barrier Reef ‘In Danger’
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The report’s authors said current conservation efforts were not enough to address the “ongoing and increasingly serious challenge” presented by climate change.
Seaweed Is Having Its Moment in the Sun
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It’s being reimagined as a plastic substitute, even as cattle feed. But can seaweed thrive in a warming world?
As Himalayan Glaciers Melt, a Water Crisis Looms in South Asia
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Warmer air is thinning most of the vast mountain range’s glaciers, known as the Third Pole because they contain so much ice. The melting could have far-reaching consequences for flood risk and for water security for a billion people who rely on meltwater for their survival. Climate. Justice. Solutions.
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How will World Cup footballers cope with Qatar heat?
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The question of how to preserve athletic performance amid extreme heat is pressing as climate change bites.
The Climate Future Cookbook
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For a climate-resilient world, here’s what’s on the table.
The Power Atlas: Climate
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Countries around the world will have to engage in a wholesale transformation of their economies and infrastructure if they are to meet their environmental targets. Climate is rapidly becoming inextricable from the more conventional forms of political and material power.
Pace of Climate Change Sends Economists Back to Drawing Board
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In his Nobel speech in 2018, Dr. Nordhaus pegged the “optimal” carbon price — that is, the shared economic burden caused by each ton of emissions — at $43 in 2020. Gernot Wagner, a climate economist at Columbia Business School, called it a “woeful underestimate of the true cost” — noting that the prize committee’s home country already taxed carbon at $120 per ton.
Reforestation alone not a solution
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Reforestation makes sense regionally, but it cannot begin to replace conventional climate protection. This is the conclusion of an Israeli research team.
"Virtually every child" will be exposed to frequent heat waves by 2050
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Inside Climate News
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Pulitzer Prize-winning, nonpartisan reporting on the biggest crisis facing our planet.
At least 15,000 heat deaths in Europe
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At least 15,000 people in Europe have died this year as a result of heat, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates. And the number is likely to rise. In the next few years, it could be even more.
How Droughts in Mexico Could Shape the Future of the Beer Industry
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Brewers and other heavy water users have landed at the center of the climate fight in Mexico as the government and industry confront water shortages in the north.
The Monsoon Is Becoming More Extreme
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South Asia’s monsoon is inextricably linked, culturally and economically, to much of Asia. Climate change is making it increasingly violent and erratic.
Carbon Brief
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Clear on Climate
‘Life Brought Me Here.’ An Island Nation Adapts to a Changing Climate
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Droughts, cyclones and floods have forced the people of Madagascar, a poor country in the southern Indian Ocean, to find new homes, new livelihoods and even new diets.
Hundreds of scientists call on PR and advertising firms to drop fossil fuel clients
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More than 450 scientists have called on the PR and advertising sectors to stop the spread of disinformation in relation to the climate crisis, with a specific call for organisations to stop enabling fossil fuel giants to mislead the public on green claims.
The Poignant Music of Melting Ice: Have a Listen
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Scientists and musicians are recording the sounds of unfreezing water to document and predict the effects of climate change. Can their work help slow it, too?
Some in Europe Toasted the New Year in T-Shirts
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Countries across the continent saw the warmest start to the year ever measured. The weather has forced ski resorts to close trails, with sparser than usual snow cover.
Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero
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Accelerating the transition to a net-zero global economy
Ist das noch Wetter oder schon Klimawandel?
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Isn't it much too warm today? Does it really always rain this much? Here you can check whether the current weather in your region is still normal or due to climate change.
How Climate Change Is Making Tampons (and Lots of Other Stuff) More Expensive
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Cotton farmers in Texas suffered record losses amid heat and drought last year, new data shows. It’s an example of how global warming is a “secret driver of inflation.”
In a First Study of Pakistan’s Floods, Scientists See Climate Change at Work
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Some in Europe Toasted the New Year in T-Shirts
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Countries across the continent saw the warmest start to the year ever measured. The weather has forced ski resorts to close trails, with sparser than usual snow cover.
"Climate change makes you sick from head to toe"
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The New World: Envisioning Life After Climate Change
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Climate change has led to roughly 1.2 degrees Celsius of warming so far, making the earth hotter now than it has ever been in the long history of civilization.
Want to take action on climate change? These books can help.
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Twelve titles offer practical advice for people who want to help protect the climate.
Will global warming make temperature less deadly?
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The scientific paper published in the June 2021 issue of the journal Nature Climate Change was alarming. Between 1991 and 2018, the peer-reviewed study reported, more than one-third of deaths from heat exposure were linked to global warming. Hundreds of news outlets covered the findings. The message was clear: climate change is here, and it’s already killing people. But that wasn’t all that was happening. A month later, the same research group, which is based out of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine but includes scientists from dozens of countries, released another peer-reviewed study that told a fuller, more complex story about the link between climate change, temperature and human mortality. The two papers’ authors were mostly the same, and they used similar data and statistical methods.
Kathmandu Finally Got Tap Water. After a Climate Disaster, It Was Gone.
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A disaster that wiped out a decades-long project to bring pipe-borne water to Nepal’s capital shows the mismatch between slow-moving donor-financed efforts and rapid global warming.
We looked at 1,200 possibilities for the planet’s future. These are our best hope.
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Many States Omit Climate Education. These Teachers Are Trying to Slip It In.
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Around the United States, middle school science standards have minimal references to climate change and teachers on average spend just a few hours a year teaching it.
Here’s Where the U.S. Is Testing a New Response to Rising Seas
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Native American tribes are competing for the first federal grants designed to help move communities away from high water and other dangers posed by climate change.
They’re ‘World Champions’ of Banishing Water. Now, the Dutch Need to Keep It.
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Use Covid lessons to curb climate change, Lords tell government
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Information campaigns like those used in the Covid-19 pandemic would help individuals act on climate change, a House of Lords report has said.
Übers Klima reden: Wie Deutschland beim Klimaschutz tickt
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Diese Handreichung von Climate Outreach, und More in Common bietet eine evidenzbasierte Ressource für alle Organisationen, die Menschen für den Klimaschutz gewinnen und die Einstellungen ihrer Zielgruppen besser verstehen wollen.
Climate change will drive journalism's next transformation
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Inside the Global Effort to Keep Perfectly Good Food Out of the Dump
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Around the world, lawmakers and entrepreneurs are taking steps to tackle two of humanity’s most pressing problems: hunger and climate change.
World close to ‘irreversible’ climate breakdown, warn major studies
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Key UN reports published in last two days warn urgent and collective action needed – as oil firms report astronomical profits
Twice as much "clean power" needed
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A lot of energy continues to come from power plants that need water for cooling - but that is becoming increasingly scarce. That's why the World Meteorological Organization is calling for greater reliance on wind and solar energy. It sees security of supply at risk.
Extreme Heat Will Change Us
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Half the world could soon face dangerous heat. We measured the daily toll it is already taking.
Leaders for climate action
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Imagine a world in which business leads the way on ambitious climate action, spurring boldness from civil society and government. That's what gets us out of bed in the morning.
Out-of-Towners Head to ‘Climate-Proof Duluth’
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The former industrial town in Minnesota is coming to terms with its status as a refuge for people moving from across the country because of climate change.
Mapping California’s ‘Zombie’ Forests
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A warming climate has left a fifth of the conifer forests that blanket California's Sierra Nevada stranded in habitats that no longer suit them, according to a study published last week by researchers at Stanford University.
Norway’s $1.2 Trillion Investment Fund Sets 2050 Climate Target
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Climate Central | Researching and communicating climate change impacts and solutions
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We use science and technology to generate thousands of local storylines and compelling visuals that make climate change personal and show what can be done about it.
‘Do You Really Want to Rebuild at 80?’ Rethinking Where to Retire.
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It’s a small yet noticeable shift, experts say — but climate change is causing retirees to start reconsidering moves to disaster-prone dream locales.
Global Warming & Climate Change Myths
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Here is a summary of global warming and climate change myths, sorted by recent popularity vs what science says. Click the response for a more detailed response. You can also view them sorted by taxonomy, by popularity, in a print-friendly version, with short URLs or with fixed numbers you can use for permanent references.
One state mandates teaching climate change in almost all subjects – even PE
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New Jersey’s teachers are now required to teach climate change beginning in kindergarten, and across most subjects, including art, social studies, world languages and PE. Supporters hope the lessons will spread
NASA tool detects methane hotspots from space
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Scientists have identified over 50 places around the world that are emitting vast amounts of methane. The greenhouse gas is about 80 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide.
Exxon Scientists Predicted Global Warming, Even as Company Cast Doubts, Study Finds
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Starting in the 1970s, scientists working for the oil giant made remarkably accurate projections of just how much burning fossil fuels would warm the planet.
Half of Earth’s glaciers could melt even if key warming goal is met, study says
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New research suggests that even at 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming above preindustrial levels, the Earth will lose nearly half of its glaciers
The number of hungry people has doubled in 10 countries. A new report explains why
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The countries least responsible for climate change are suffering the most
Thousands Will Live Here One Day (as Long as They Can Find Water)
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In the increasingly dry Southwest, drought and climate change pose a challenge for developers, who need to find creative ways to provide water supply to new communities.
Multiple agencies concur: ’22 was one of Earth’s hottest years
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During the fifth- or sixth-warmest year on record, the world experienced unrelenting waves of extreme weather
Leaders for climate action
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Our solution to climate change? Collaboration.
How climate change exacerbated the 2021 Henan floods
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Chinese scientists have found that climate change intensified the Henan downpour – and the risk of even worse disasters is increasing
How Can We Measure Droughts and Deluges? Weigh the Planet.
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Scientists have long cautioned that warming temperatures would lead to wetter and drier global extremes — increasingly severe rainfall, more intense droughts. A new study shows where that may already be happening.
the grass sucker
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The S.E.C. moves closer to enacting a sweeping climate disclosure rule.
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The commission gave initial approval to a much-anticipated rule that would require public companies to report the climate-related impact of their businesses.
England’s summer heat waves linked to record excess deaths among elderly
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The world’s top 1% of emitters produce over 1000 times more CO2 than the bottom 1%
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Wealth, energy use, and the consumption of goods and services are unevenly distributed across the world. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are no exception. Emissions vary across countries and across generations, but even more so across income groups.
Long Stretches of the Mississippi River Have Run Dry. What’s Next?
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Russian climate gets warmer 2.5 times faster than world average — diplomat
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Russia has been implementing a set of measures to slow down the climate change
Rising seas threaten ‘mass exodus on a biblical scale’, UN chief warns
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António Guterres calls for urgent action as climate-driven rise brings ‘torrent of trouble’ to almost a billion people
A Clash Over Degrees: How Hot Should Nations Allow the Earth to Get?
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The mantra has been: Limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius or risk climate catastrophe. But at COP27, there are hints of backsliding.
Climate Matters Blog
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Analysis and Opinion on the Climate and Sustainability Debate, edited @Chair of Climate Communication, University of Hamburg
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Climate Change form A to Z
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The stories we tell ourselves about the future.
Has the Amazon Reached Its ‘Tipping Point’?
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Some Brazilian scientists fear that the Amazon may become a grassy savanna — with profound effects on the climate worldwide.
Climate Shift Index by Climate Central
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Europe has warmed faster than any other region in the past 30 years
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A Fossil Museum Uses the Past to Reimagine Climate’s Future
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As the La Brea Tar Pits & Museum undergoes a major redesign, its leaders hope it can do more to engage the public and educate visitors about the realities of climate change.
Climate Vulnerable Economies Loss Report
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How Republicans Are ‘Weaponizing’ Public Office Against Climate Action
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The weather app for the apple
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The climate crisis is threatening the apple harvest of German fruit growers. Too early blossoming and intense sunlight are causing problems. Early warning systems for extreme weather are intended to provide relief.
Thousands of records shattered in historic winter warm spell in Europe
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At least seven countries saw their warmest January weather on record on New Year’s Day
Oil and gas firms production plans spell 'catastrophic' warming: report
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An analysis by the financial think tank Carbon Tracker found that fossil fuel firms approved $166bn of investment in new oil and gas fields between January 2021 and March this year.
Facing Budget Shortfalls, These Schools Are Turning to the Sun
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Public schools are increasingly using savings from solar energy to upgrade facilities, help their communities, and give teachers raises — often with no cost to taxpayers.
We looked at 1,200 possibilities for the planet’s future. These are our best hope.
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Wish You Were Here. Ignore the Floods and Fires.
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Climate change is reshaping the American economy. New Mexico is leaning on ecotourism and sustainable industries to see it through, but extreme weather keeps getting in the way.
The Last 8 Years Were the Hottest on Record
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The world remained firmly in warming’s grip last year, with extreme summer temperatures in Europe, China and elsewhere contributing to 2022 being the fifth-hottest year on record, European climate researchers said on Tuesday.
Intelligent data use for sustainable real estate investments
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Financial service providers are increasingly confronted with the question of whether their own real estate portfolio is up to sustainability criteria and the consequences of climate change. Cloud technologies and intelligent handling of data can provide important answers.
The United States has caused the most global warming. When will China pass it?
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For thousands of years, we made things with our hands. But in the mid-1700s, people in Britain began to make things with machines that ran on fuels which, when burned, released an invisible gas called carbon dioxide — not much at first, but that would change.
TILclimate Podcast
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Climate change is confusing. TILclimate (Today I Learned: Climate) is an award-winning MIT podcast that breaks down the science, technologies, and policies behind climate change, how it’s impacting us, and what we can do about it. Each quick episode gives you the what, why, and how on climate change — from real scientists and experts — to help us make informed decisions for our future.
‘Carbon timebomb’: climate crisis threatens to destroy Congo peatlands
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Vast carbon store may be close to point where it could flip from absorbing CO2 to releasing it, research shows
To Ease the Climate Crisis, First Figure Out What Works
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The Nobel Prize winner Esther Duflo said poorer nations are at ‘dramatic’ risk if policies, attitudes and support from rich countries do not improve.
Scientists Get a Close-Up Look Beneath a Troubling Ice Shelf in Antarctica
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A robot lowered through the ice reveals how the Thwaites shelf is melting, which will help forecast its effect on global sea level.
Lots of Food Gets Tossed. These Apps Let You Buy It, Cheap.
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Several companies say they are tackling food waste by connecting people with unsold food from restaurants and grocery stores.
How climate disasters cause lasting harm for low-income homes
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Extreme weather events can lead to "financial shocks" for low-income households. Reforms of disaster insurance are needed to prevent families from tipping into ruin, researchers say.
ArcticRisk Platform
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The Arctic early-warning system is flashing red. Extreme Arctic warming is triggering a cascade of risks across the rest of the planet. Explore the Arctic Risk Platform to find out what the Arctic climate crisis means for you.
When the sea emits CO2
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The ocean absorbs much of the man-made CO2. In this way, it mitigates climate change. But the process has limits: In some areas, the Mediterranean Sea already releases more CO2 than it absorbs.
Fossil fuel burning once caused a mass extinction – now we’re risking another
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The Devon coastline reveals that Earth was in a near-lifeless state for up to five million years after the last extinction event
Climate Change Is Threatening Hawaii’s Coral Reefs. So They Called the Insurance Guy.
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If worsening coastal storms damage the reefs, the Nature Conservancy will get a payout and use the money to repair the coral — work that state officials can’t afford to do.
Icarus Complex – A Climate Change Magazine
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An in-depth look at issues surrounding climate change.
Poor Countries Need Climate Funding. These Plans Could Unlock Trillions.
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As global warming delivers cascading weather disasters, leaders at U.N. climate talks in Egypt are increasingly calling for changes to a system that traps developing nations in debt.
Arctic sea-ice shrinks to near record low extent
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This summer's Arctic sea-ice shrank to its second lowest ever extent in the era of satellite observation.
20 Nations at High Risk From Global Warming Might Halt Debt Payments
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The countries want their collective $685 billion in debts forgiven so the money can be invested in climate projects.
2021 Was Earth’s Fifth-Hottest Year, Scientists Say
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The finding, by European researchers, fits a clear warming trend: The seven hottest years on record have been the past seven.
How Climate Change Is Spreading Malaria in Africa
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The mosquitoes that transmit the disease dramatically increased their range over the last century as temperatures warmed, scientists reported.
Ocean-Eaten Islands, Fire-Scarred Forests: Our Changing World in Pictures
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A Warming Siberia, Wracked by Wildfires, Nears a Crucial Threshold
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Nearly 23 million acres burned from 1982 to 2020. But almost half of that occurred in 2019 and 2020, and the region may be near a threshold beyond which extreme fires become more common.
Science offers basis for national climate damage claims -study
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Dwindling Snow Leaves Swiss Alpine Villages Staring at an Identity Crisis
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An unusually warm winter has forced a rethink about climate change in areas with lower peaks as ski resorts and sporting events face an uncertain future.
Five Climate Books to Read for COP27
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Carnegie climate experts share their recommended reads on the global warming crisis.