Climate Links:
Companies do too little for the climate
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Leading global companies that present themselves as climate pioneers are doing too little to protect the climate. And they are hiding how little. That is the conclusion of a study by climate experts published today.
FH;P Climate show
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The Climate Show presented the results of the Climate Semester - Utopias for the Present in the form of a digital exhibition and as an online event on 17.07.2020. Together at the FH Potsdam, in the summer semester 2020, the climate semester, the challenges of the climate crisis were put into perspective and transdisciplinary approaches and viable options for action for the here and now were developed.
How people access and think about climate change news
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239 Agencies Landed on Clean Creatives' Second 'F-List' for Working With Fossil Fuel Clients
· English
The report, released in partnership with Comms Declare, charts 15 years of activists' efforts urging the industry to drop major polluters
‘OK Doomer’ and the Climate Advocates Who Say It’s Not Too Late
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A growing chorus of young people is focusing on climate solutions. “‘It’s too late’ means ‘I don’t have to do anything, and the responsibility is off me.’”
Clean Creatives
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We’re a movement of advertisers, PR professionals, and their clients cutting ties with fossil fuels.
How the regulatory tide is turning against greenwashing brands in 2023
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Legal experts and regulatory bodies explain how brands will find it more difficult to greenwash their products in 2023.
Hundreds of scientists call on PR and advertising firms to drop fossil fuel clients
· English
More than 450 scientists have called on the PR and advertising sectors to stop the spread of disinformation in relation to the climate crisis, with a specific call for organisations to stop enabling fossil fuel giants to mislead the public on green claims.
"There is no alternative to the circular economy".
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Peter Post has co-developed a concept for Circular Experience and Service Design. In this interview, he reveals how to efficiently design services and experiences for the circular economy.
Use Covid lessons to curb climate change, Lords tell government
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Information campaigns like those used in the Covid-19 pandemic would help individuals act on climate change, a House of Lords report has said.
Übers Klima reden: Wie Deutschland beim Klimaschutz tickt
· English
Diese Handreichung von Climate Outreach, und More in Common bietet eine evidenzbasierte Ressource für alle Organisationen, die Menschen für den Klimaschutz gewinnen und die Einstellungen ihrer Zielgruppen besser verstehen wollen.
Creatives for Climate
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Creatives for Climate is a global intelligence network of thousands of storytellers and sustainability experts radically re-skilling to tackle greenwashing in their work and use their creativity to drive change.
Das Bündnis für klimapositives Verhalten e.V.
· Deutsch
We want to bring decision-makers in marketing and advertising onto the climate-positive path. We want to achieve that we use our power to actively drive climate-positive behavioral alternatives externally as well as internally in our industries. On this way we support as the alliance for climate positive behavior with the M4F Award, the M4F Insights & the M4F Climate Workshop.
Climate Central | Researching and communicating climate change impacts and solutions
· English
We use science and technology to generate thousands of local storylines and compelling visuals that make climate change personal and show what can be done about it.
Climate Matters Blog
· English
Analysis and Opinion on the Climate and Sustainability Debate, edited @Chair of Climate Communication, University of Hamburg
A Fossil Museum Uses the Past to Reimagine Climate’s Future
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As the La Brea Tar Pits & Museum undergoes a major redesign, its leaders hope it can do more to engage the public and educate visitors about the realities of climate change.
AMV BBDO is getting tough with clients on greenwashing
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The agency has launched a sustainability consultancy that will skill-up its staff on best practice and tackle the thorny issue of greenwashing with its roster of clients.